Saturday, November 20, 2010

Larry's Analysis of Action Research

Action research is an effective tool for administrators because it gives them the chance to collect data to initiate a change. They gain firsthand knowledge and understanding of the initial problem by putting themselves in the position of researchers. This process makes them more likely to incorporate change based on the results they generate.
This type of research also allows administrators to see things they normally wouldn’t see in their schools. Administrators are busy in day to day activities and rarely have time to step back, ask questions, and look at data before making decisions on campus improvement. Action research is a powerful and valuable part of being an effective administrator because it allows you to make important administrative decisions in a more informed way.
Another benefit of action research is that the process allows everyone to see administrators as role models for the teachers and students on their campus. It demonstrates a strong influence of modeling behavior and categorizes administrators as learners as well as leaders.
In my administrative practices, I will use action research to influence major campus improvement decisions. Through reading Leading With Passion and Knowledge, I have found action research to be the most effective way of making rational and informed decisions campus wide.

1 comment:

  1. After completing week two, I have discovered another possible area of action research for my campus. I have learned that is better to make major campus decisions after completion of action research.
