Friday, March 18, 2011

Professional Development for Technology Needs

Staff Development Purpose: This particular professional development is intended to teach the knowledge and skills that is necessary for teachers to incorporate technology into their curriculum.  It will also upgrade the learning environment of technology to increase student achievement and effectiveness of school procedures. This plan outlines the vision so the power of technology will meet the needs of the district.
Professional Development Needs Assessment:
District administrators along with the SBDM team will use the STaR Chart and AEIS Report to identify the technology needs in our district in order to rise from developing tech to advanced tech.  These needs are: online training, design of instructional setting, professional development experiences and access to professional development learning, budget, internet access and speed, and distance learning.
District administrators have decided that there needs to be more learning and use of technology for faculty along with incorporation of technology in the classrooms.  Dr. Jenkins discussed in the round table discussion that there must be mobility and technology available for each classroom that can be used at any time (Week 3 Lecture, 2011). Administrators and teachers must also use technology in order to feel comfortable and show students that technology is an excellent resource to use.  Dr. Jenkins also made the comment that that in order to become a digital learning environment, school leaders must model how technology must be used (Week 3 Lecture, 2011).

1 comment:

  1. Larry,
    I can tell you put a lot of thought into your plan. The entire plan was well written but there were several parts that stood out above the rest.

    1. You post on the evaluation of the action plan was wonderful. The thoroughness of this component demonstrates your knowledge of the subject. I appreciated you expressing all the steps needed to take and reasoning for the steps. If I had not taken this class read your post, I would
    understand what you were trying to convey.

    2. I think it is a great idea that you added school leadership dong a walk through on top of other assessments to determine if technology is integrated into learning. We can see a lot with data but there is something to be said about a leader going out in the school to get a real since of what is going on.

    3. You also demonstrated how assessment process is part of a constant improvement process with the explanation of needs at the beginning of the plan. I think this is one of the most important aspect of an action plan, it is ongoing.

    I think your plan needs one small addition in relation to one point of the rubric (Provides assessments and/or monitoring evaluating professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership)
    I took this to as training for leadership so they could make better decisions toward instructional technology. I may be reading it incorrectly.

    Please visit my Blog, I welcome any feedback (both positive and constructive).
